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Mumtaztic Pigeon Loft - performing pigeons breeder, pigeon fancier

Greetings from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, a great place to live and breed pigeons until around November, when the birds of prey and the snowbirds come down from the North and stay here until around April. I breed and fly performing pigeons such as Turkish Tumblers, Iranian High Flyers, Birmingham Rollers, and White Racing Homers. Turkish Tumblers have always been my favorite breed of pigeon.

I had pigeons when I was a teenager back in my native country, Turkey but I had to give up my hobby when I came to US to get my college education in 1996. Here, I thought people would laugh at me if I ever mentioned to them that I used to breed and fly pigeons back home. The fact is most people still find it very unusual that we have domesticated pigeons and we keep them as pets. I impress most people when I talk to them about my pigeons, their history, their talents, and some of the famous people that actually had them and still keep them. It wasn’t until June 2007 that I met a local breeder and started to breed and fly pigeons again. I was never happier. As I became more serious with my revived hobby, I created this website to share my research and my experience about pigeons.

When I started to raise pigeons again, my first intention was just to create a database and keep the pedigree of my birds electronically. Then, I decided to turn it into a website just on my local computer to access their information faster and have their pictures to see everything about each individual bird. This way I could look at all the physical characteristics of the bird, their pedigree, and compare it to the next generations. This was particularly important for me since I breed for performance and have a passion to study their genetics. I also did a lot of research about basic pigeon care, pigeon genetics, and post a lot of articles about pigeons on here. The "Breeders in USA" link in this website has become probably the largest pigeon breeders list in the USA with the hope that we can get to know and make contact with other breeders in the nation. I hope you will enjoy reading my research and my experience in pigeons and will find it useful.

I have about 120 pigeons in my loft and I would like to keep this number. I am trying very hard not to over crowd my loft which is very important in order to get better performing results and healthy birds. From time to time I will be donating/selling my breeders as I get successful flying and performing babies from them. I am also experimenting with genetics and trying to produce good markings and colors with performance. Doing so, I sometimes get side products (incomplete markings and colors, or lack of performance) that I would gladly donate to anyone who wants them. Contact me if you are interested to have Turkish Tumblers, Birmingham Rollers, or Iranian High Flyers. I just like to make sure you would be flying them and enjoying their performance and not turning performing breeds into show birds by keeping them locked up. I strongly believe that performing breeds such as tumblers and rollers should not be kept in lofts permanently because, if ever let out, they might get lost or attacked by predators. Performing breeds are meant to fly and perform. A breeder who does not wish to lose his/her birds should stick with exhibition breeds. Protecting your birds from hawks during hawk season, and keeping your best birds as breeders is absolutely necessary, and I respect that. It sometimes takes me three to four generations to get the performance and the color I am looking for, and I cannot afford to lose them. I am just against locking up performing breeds permanently that took thousands of years to be created and perfected.

I carefully breed my birds for the performance, the special color and pattern I am looking for, and ultimately for both the performance and the color. My only intention is to breed as many performing and flying babies as possible and eventually only keep performing and flying pigeons in my loft. I would like to hear from you and your thoughts about my birds and my website. Please feel free to write to me at arifmumtaz@comcast.net or sign my guestbook. Enjoy your visit.


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